Generative Arts
Python, Digital Arts
Facet Dream
The Facet Dream series is to praise the beauty of mother nature:
the crystal of the earth.
The spinning colorful 3D space is the fantasy world in which the artist interprets the glare of gemstones through her passion for them.
Inspired from the gemstones the artist has collected over the years, the reflection and angle of glare emit from its facet cuts and conduit from its chemical formula. Initiated from the “facet” formula in 3D coding software, the gemstones are de-formulated into fractions that triggers other objects to dance collaterally.
Goût du Vin
Goût du Vin is to celebrate the wine tasting experience in Bordeaux.
Inspired by the profound taste and history of Bordeaux wines, the artist interprets the taste of wine in visual art form. Wine is scored by its aroma, color and texture. We often use flavors of other things that we are familiar with to describe a fine wine’s aroma, such as flowers, fruits and the natural earth in all its beauty. Why not take an abstract Python coded animation to describe the wine taste in a more accurate manner?